These are the Evans kids... from left to right, Jack, Sullivan, and Thomas. They were a great group :) Lots of smiles and silliness. My favorite thing is when siblings make each other laugh and these guys were great at that! It's just so cute :) They were possibly still a little hyped up from the overdose of food and sugar that happens on Christmas, but thankfully they were very well behaved. No crankiness and no sleepiness (which generally go hand in hand). So yay for a group of great kids the day after Christmas!

Thomas was giving me some killer GQ poses.

Sullivan was just laughing at her brothers cause they are so silly...

And Jack... what a bundle of energy! He was a fun silly little guy and has the cutest dimples ever.

I am not sure why they felt the need to wave, but they did and I thought it was cute :)

Family hug... wait, Jack... are you biting Thomas?? Must be something that the youngest just does...

Look closely here. It seems like he is fixing his hair in my lens, but if you look at his left hand you see he is really preparing to karate chop me, and his right hand... also in karate chop mode. Pretty silly... and required no instigation at all :)