This morning I sadly made myself a PB&J sandwich with SMOOTH peanut butter. Gross. Why did I even have the nasty stuff in my cupboard if I don't like it you might ask? Well, apparently 3 1/2 years is not enough time to know what your spouse prefers... I have learned to make very detailed lists when sending Brian to the grocery store cause I like specific things and certain brands just taste better (I am not super picky about EVERYTHING) but I at least need some super crunch peanut butter!
I like to chew things. I don't let things melt in my mouth and slowly disappear. I chomp it and destroy it! Brian knows this. We talk about it often as he is slowly savoring his melting ice cream and I am happily crunching my last bite and reaching to steal his. But SOMEHOW when I sent him to the grocery store a couple weeks ago he returned with Smooth peanut butter and when I complained he said he just couldn't remember. He said he even stopped and thought about it, worried that he would pick the wrong kind. Odds are his brain gears screeched to a halt in fear of what was to come. So, it is possible that it is my fault. Maybe if I could nicely remind him that smooth peanut butter will just not do he would remember it better rather than frantically trying to remember and choosing wrong in the end? Who knows, but after the long conversation about my desire to crunch on things that inevitable ensued this mistake he will likely never forget again :)
So here's to the smooth peanut butter! I am almost rid of you, and hopefully forever! * this pic was courtesy of google images.