Here are the boys. The boys who are boys to the core with plenty of energy to spare. Their session was at 8:30 and though it was still a bit chilly, they did not notice because they didn't sit still long enough to feel a thing :) The image below is probably my favorite because it is so perfect for them. Yes, Kelly your boys win the "Most Challenging" Award :) I would much rather deal with happy energy than screaming sadness any day so though these guys were challenging, it was in a good way. I honestly really enjoy these shoots because it is a true test of my skills.

Below was an attempt at forcing Patrick to pose for a normal picture... not exactly successful...

Seriously though, we let this guy go and just look at how happy he is! Notice his mother and brothers following in the background... I love it!

This is basically how the shoot was... Nicholas and James set and ready and Patrick running around like crazy... just perfect :)