Four years.... FOUR Years! I literally had to think about it for a minute last week as I realized our anniversary was coming up. Has it really been four years? That sounds like such a long time! That means that we have known each other for six years, and that is just a chunk of time. Now, please excuse the lack of recent pictures. I am at work right now and have not been on the computer at the house in quite some time (which is completely awesome!). So I am making do with stealing shots from my old blog :)
So, yes, four years. My favorite thing right now is that Brian is here. He has been home for about a month straight now and is not leaving anytime soon! I really don't even know what to say. Four years of marriage, Santa Barbara, graduating college, San Diego, Navy, Japan, Travels, moving again... so many big changes and yet we are still the same. We like to tease each other, use lots of sarcasm and movie/The Office quotes, and wrestle. It has been a great four years and I love that I am still learning things about him.

One thing I learned this last year is that he will never say anything bad about anyone. If he says someone is a good person you can take his word for it cause he wouldn't lie. If you ask him what he thinks of someone that isn't the greatest, he will honestly tell you that that person is not the greatest, but only because you asked. Otherwise he would just avoid talking about that person. It is funny to me that it took me so long to realize this, but it really wasn't until this last year that I realized he would say nice things about a few people and I never really believed him and then I would meet the person and say, "Wow, Brian, yeah he's a really cool dude". I know, I should believe him, but I am just skeptical. I have learned though that I don't need to be skeptical with Brian's opinion (on people that is :) So here's to 4 years! We're gonna head out to Yokohama and explore this afternoon, take some fun pictures, and enjoy Japan while we're still here! The picture below is just one of my favorites that Brian sent me while he was away. It's not often that I get to see some good scruffage on his face ;)