Yes, there is culture shock. Funny thing is I am not out and about that much. I am mostly home visiting with everyone. It just so happens that I am having culture shock with my family. I am the youngest of seven children. That's a lot of family and it's even more now that most of us are married and others have children. Not everyone lives in California, but there is generally a decent sized group when we have family gatherings and even without a family gathering there always seems to be a lot of people about.
I love my family. I really do. I have deeply missed being away for two straight years and I know that I will never do that again. It would be expensive and difficult to visit, but my family is worth it and if we are stationed overseas again I WILL visit.
That said, a lot of people can get crazy and it has. There seems to be some event or drama every day and it is just a lot to take in when I am used to it only being me and Shugo 80% of the time and the other 20% is only ONE other person (Brian). Today's event was birthdays. My brother Norman turned 33 on August 18, Dad turned 57 on Aug 25, Klaus (in photo above) turned 3 today, I turn 24 on the 3rd, oh and Nan turned seventy something on Aug 7. It's a busy birthday month. I am EXTREMELY grateful for our wonderful neighbors, who have always been very close family friends, who have allowed me to stay in their spare room for the time that I am here :) Yay for a quiet home and space to myself. YAY! I want to visit my family for a while and enjoy it and because I have this little space to myself I CAN enjoy it :)