I had the opportunity to photograph a lovely large family today! I myself am from a big family (I'm the youngest of seven) so I love large family gatherings and since I have been in Japan for the past two years I have really missed out on such things. Laurie Hood is the founder of Alaqua Animal Refuge and she hired me to come to their holiday family gathering to photograph them all together and all the individual families as well. It was glorious. Made me miss the large family gatherings back home. Laurie and her husband Taylor are wonderful people. Very kind and genuine. It was an absolute pleasure to photograph their extended family. Since there were so many pictures taken I am just going to post my favorite images, so here goes nothin' :)
The boy above was hilarious. This was the conversation... So what do you want for Christmas? Ummm, he says with a huge smile, This is gonna sound a little weird, but I really want a massage chair. I burst out laughing and said I thought that was the best idea ever and I wanted one too :) I love that he prefaced it with "This is gonna sound weird..." He made me smile. Below is the craziness you get when you attempt to photograph a pile of cousins (also reminded me of my family. Love it!).
This little girl had the best smile.
Gotta love it when kids just do their own thing and it is super cute.
This darling little thing was teaching me all about seashells.
This was my favorite family (I know I probably shouldn't say that, but seriously, look at how giggly they all are!).
2nd place here. I think it's the younger children. They just make pictures extra cute.
And last but not least the grandparents with the chitlens :) My favorite images are always the ones when everyone is looking a different direction. It's just more realistic to how things really happen right?
Just so you all know, I am leaving town for two weeks off to visit family for the holidays. It'll be our own version of Four Christmas' only a lot less drama (hopefully) and it'll be three Christmas' instead :) So, on that note, if you email me just don't expect a reply right away cause I will not be checking regularly. MERRY CHRISTMAS!