Below is Teddy. Very sweet dog out at Alaqua. Wonderful temperament and who doesn't love a fluffy dog?
Monday, 31 January 2011
Pet Photography - Alaqua's "Teddy"
It's raining today. It was raining all night last night. Pouring really. I like it and just might go out for a short bike ride with the dogs later :) The only thing I don't like about it is I have to wipe down the dogs every time they go out and come back in. It's going to be a rainy week here in Northwest Florida as we move into February. February is going to be a good month. Lots of photography to be happening and lots of pet photography out at Alaqua, something that I am growing to love more and more :)
Below is Teddy. Very sweet dog out at Alaqua. Wonderful temperament and who doesn't love a fluffy dog?
Below is Teddy. Very sweet dog out at Alaqua. Wonderful temperament and who doesn't love a fluffy dog?
Wednesday, 26 January 2011
Alaqua Animal Refuge - Dog Photography
Today I spent the day at Alaqua Animal Refuge. I am working with them as an intern for part of my Master's degree. I do a mix of different things helping out April the fund-raising and events coordinator. I also am starting to photograph more and more of the animals. I am hoping that more can be adopted through getting better pictures of them. Two of my favorites are below, Sissy and Weezy. They have been at the refuge a while and when I first started volunteering at Alaqua I remember them distinctly because everyone had a hard time getting them to go on their walks. They are total sweethearts, but kennels are just not where dogs are meant to be and these poor things need a good home. I LOVE dogs with boxy heads and if we didn't move around so much you better believe I would take these in!

I LOVE the shot below on the right. I was annoyed when I took it cause I knew the moment I snapped it that it was great and it was a real split second that she looked at me, but then I looked and she had blinked (I clearly missed the split second!). But then, I really liked it with her blinking cause she looked even cuter. However, I was disappointed when I got it on the computer and realized that it is out of focus. I still like it though. I just have to look past the technical errors :)

And these last two dogs. The one on the left, Victor, is very sweet and has also been around the shelter a little while. The one on the right just came in today. He's a wonderful looking dog who seemed super happy to be at Alaqua. He was at a kill shelter and was going to be put down today. Yay for Alaqua saving him!
I LOVE the shot below on the right. I was annoyed when I took it cause I knew the moment I snapped it that it was great and it was a real split second that she looked at me, but then I looked and she had blinked (I clearly missed the split second!). But then, I really liked it with her blinking cause she looked even cuter. However, I was disappointed when I got it on the computer and realized that it is out of focus. I still like it though. I just have to look past the technical errors :)
And these last two dogs. The one on the left, Victor, is very sweet and has also been around the shelter a little while. The one on the right just came in today. He's a wonderful looking dog who seemed super happy to be at Alaqua. He was at a kill shelter and was going to be put down today. Yay for Alaqua saving him!
Monday, 24 January 2011
Pet Photography - Chancho and Shugo
So once upon a time, I did not take as many pictures of my own pets. My beloved first dog, Sandy, the St. Bernard lacks in the photo department. I got plenty of happy snaps, but actually taking the time to get nice images of her did not happen as often. Part of that is due to the fact that the majority of her life was pre-photographer Joy Jill :) Now I know to document everything, and that is just what I am doing. I realized yesterday that I missed celebrating the one month anniversary of our dear sweet Chancho! We got him December 9th and it has officially been 1.5 months! Amazing how time flies and how quickly little weeds grow. Actually after thinking about it, I have always documented my animals lives. As soon as I got a camera the animals were the first things to get their pictures taken. Back then though they were not good pictures. Just happy snappys :) Sandy was the only one that made it through to the quality pictures. Below is my favorite happy snap of Sandy :)

I took a few moments today to capture some very much needed portraits of the two dogs. I like the shots below because they remind me of engagement and wedding poses that photographers do :) I refuse to be the shoemaker who's children have no shoes! I am a pet photographer and my pets will have their portrait taken (regularly!).

Chanchito is growing daily and he gets on our nerves quite regularly. Today he stole a ball of yarn and drug it all over the yard. So far he steals shoes regularly, but has only actually ruined one shoelace (he apparently just likes to carry them around). Overall though he is a wonderful pup and we love him dearly. Shugo's favorite thing to do is sit on him. Literally, you can see it below. He often puts all his weight on him and Chancho makes this terrible groaning noise like he is dieing. It's funny, but we feel somewhat obligated to save him from the wrath of Shugo. We LOVE watching them play together though; brings a smile to our faces :)

I took a few moments today to capture some very much needed portraits of the two dogs. I like the shots below because they remind me of engagement and wedding poses that photographers do :) I refuse to be the shoemaker who's children have no shoes! I am a pet photographer and my pets will have their portrait taken (regularly!).
Chanchito is growing daily and he gets on our nerves quite regularly. Today he stole a ball of yarn and drug it all over the yard. So far he steals shoes regularly, but has only actually ruined one shoelace (he apparently just likes to carry them around). Overall though he is a wonderful pup and we love him dearly. Shugo's favorite thing to do is sit on him. Literally, you can see it below. He often puts all his weight on him and Chancho makes this terrible groaning noise like he is dieing. It's funny, but we feel somewhat obligated to save him from the wrath of Shugo. We LOVE watching them play together though; brings a smile to our faces :)
Friday, 21 January 2011
Worst idea of 2010
I hate being trapped at the house waiting for someone to show up. It's like my entire day ends up revolving around this one thing. Now here I sit wondering where this idiot is cause he is 25 minutes late. Should I call? Yes, but I am hoping beyond all hope that he is on his way cause the last thing I want to do is attempt yet another conversation with his wife/secretary on the phone.
Let's backtrack. I moved into this place on November 1st. There are washer/dryer hookups and smart me I figured it would be cheaper to get a washer and dryer as long as we got them cheaper. Of course, I never buy anything unless it is cheaper anyway. Though this predicament I am now in may have spurred a serious turning point in my cheapness.
I will admit that Craigslist is mainly for crap, but there are always hidden gems on there and I look for them regularly. Chancho made it into the cheap gem category, my washer and dryer didn't. I found this used appliance store on craigslist in Crestview (about 30 minutes north). Now if you need to buy used crap, why would you drive 30 minutes to do so? Let me just say that this was a lesson learned. I arrive at the place and immediately laughed at how redneck/ghetto it was. Small warehouse looking place with used appliances littering the front. Not exactly classy looking. Being my first experience with southern-redneck-recycle-other-people's-trash business, I didn't think anything of it and figured I could surely get a good deal. I paid for a washer and dryer and it was delivered two days later. Two weeks after that the washer stops working somewhere during the spin cycle. We have a lovely 45 day warranty so I immediately called the company to have them come out and take a look at it. They come out realize it needs a new belt and order the piece and it is fixed one week later. About one month after that (just after getting back from our three Christmas') I had the washer running and it was rattling kinda loud and when I went to look at it, the thing was smokin' somethin' fierce!
I had my doubts about my cheap decision after the first problem. At this point, I knew it was a stupid idea. Not to mention I noticed the day after purchasing it that there is a used appliance store just a mile down the road that looks like an actual store. After many calls to the place, a scheduled fix date with no show and many more calls and angry messages I finally have an appointment with them coming today. As I was typing this they showed up (30 minutes late) and are currently working on my defective machine. Last week we had to use the laundromat and learned that the washers on base in Japan are WAY cheaper than what they have here in Niceville.
All that to say that I don't think I will be quite so cheap in the future. There are certain things that are better purchased from actual companies and not random backyard fixer-uppers on Craigslist. Thank you Florida and Craigslist for giving me this important life lesson.

And I would like to add for all you smokers out there. You have no idea what smoke smells like. You sit in your cloud of smoke and are immune to the stench, but the rest of the world who doesn't smoke, we hate you coming into our homes and stinking it up. Air yourself out once in a while. There are plenty of smokers out there who don't wreak so badly nor do they smell up other people's homes. I am happy to say that my brother is living proof of that!
Let's backtrack. I moved into this place on November 1st. There are washer/dryer hookups and smart me I figured it would be cheaper to get a washer and dryer as long as we got them cheaper. Of course, I never buy anything unless it is cheaper anyway. Though this predicament I am now in may have spurred a serious turning point in my cheapness.
I will admit that Craigslist is mainly for crap, but there are always hidden gems on there and I look for them regularly. Chancho made it into the cheap gem category, my washer and dryer didn't. I found this used appliance store on craigslist in Crestview (about 30 minutes north). Now if you need to buy used crap, why would you drive 30 minutes to do so? Let me just say that this was a lesson learned. I arrive at the place and immediately laughed at how redneck/ghetto it was. Small warehouse looking place with used appliances littering the front. Not exactly classy looking. Being my first experience with southern-redneck-recycle-other-people's-trash business, I didn't think anything of it and figured I could surely get a good deal. I paid for a washer and dryer and it was delivered two days later. Two weeks after that the washer stops working somewhere during the spin cycle. We have a lovely 45 day warranty so I immediately called the company to have them come out and take a look at it. They come out realize it needs a new belt and order the piece and it is fixed one week later. About one month after that (just after getting back from our three Christmas') I had the washer running and it was rattling kinda loud and when I went to look at it, the thing was smokin' somethin' fierce!
I had my doubts about my cheap decision after the first problem. At this point, I knew it was a stupid idea. Not to mention I noticed the day after purchasing it that there is a used appliance store just a mile down the road that looks like an actual store. After many calls to the place, a scheduled fix date with no show and many more calls and angry messages I finally have an appointment with them coming today. As I was typing this they showed up (30 minutes late) and are currently working on my defective machine. Last week we had to use the laundromat and learned that the washers on base in Japan are WAY cheaper than what they have here in Niceville.
All that to say that I don't think I will be quite so cheap in the future. There are certain things that are better purchased from actual companies and not random backyard fixer-uppers on Craigslist. Thank you Florida and Craigslist for giving me this important life lesson.
And I would like to add for all you smokers out there. You have no idea what smoke smells like. You sit in your cloud of smoke and are immune to the stench, but the rest of the world who doesn't smoke, we hate you coming into our homes and stinking it up. Air yourself out once in a while. There are plenty of smokers out there who don't wreak so badly nor do they smell up other people's homes. I am happy to say that my brother is living proof of that!
Wednesday, 19 January 2011
Yesterday was my first full day at Alaqua. We were working on several different things for future events, the main one being the Canine Carnival that is March 5th. I also took some pictures of a few dogs. Some cute, some so hideous they are cute (that would be the last one on the left). There are tons and tons of animals at Alaqua. I asked yesterday and they said they adopt anywhere from 50-100 animals a month! That is so crazy to me.
Today I will be at the Dine for Dogs event. Dine for Dogs is this great thing they do with restaurants. They pick a day and a couple hours where they will donate a certain percentage to Alaqua. It's a good turn out usually and they have more and more restaurants getting interested. We'll be bringing a few pups in hopes to adopt and it should be an interesting evening.

I really like this dog below. He's pretty skinny and very energetic, but super sweet. And really, I just love larger dogs and especially dogs with a boxy head.

Today I will be at the Dine for Dogs event. Dine for Dogs is this great thing they do with restaurants. They pick a day and a couple hours where they will donate a certain percentage to Alaqua. It's a good turn out usually and they have more and more restaurants getting interested. We'll be bringing a few pups in hopes to adopt and it should be an interesting evening.
I really like this dog below. He's pretty skinny and very energetic, but super sweet. And really, I just love larger dogs and especially dogs with a boxy head.
Monday, 17 January 2011
On our way through Texas we hit windmill land. It was wonderful. Julie was on the phone talking to her husband and I was attempting to photograph the windmills while driving. Dangerous and not super successful. It was a lovely time though :) Windmills are kinda peaceful and eerie all at once.
Tomorrow I will be starting my first full day of my internship at Alaqua Animal Refuge :) I have to do an internship to complete my Masters degree and have decided to do it at Alaqua. I will be spending 20 hours each week working with the fund-raising and events coordinator trying to raise money to save more and more animals! I will still be doing photography and I hope to do photography for the animals they get in so they can get more adoptions. I don't know if that would work, but personally I think if you have a nice photo it could really sell a pup better (just like with anything really!). So, I am looking forward to have something else to focus my energy on!

Tomorrow I will be starting my first full day of my internship at Alaqua Animal Refuge :) I have to do an internship to complete my Masters degree and have decided to do it at Alaqua. I will be spending 20 hours each week working with the fund-raising and events coordinator trying to raise money to save more and more animals! I will still be doing photography and I hope to do photography for the animals they get in so they can get more adoptions. I don't know if that would work, but personally I think if you have a nice photo it could really sell a pup better (just like with anything really!). So, I am looking forward to have something else to focus my energy on!
Friday, 14 January 2011
"Do you remember back when you felt you could actually do something to make the world better?" - Sarah Summers from Little Bee.
I remember. It's a moment frozen in time and I still wait for the glorious plan to come to me of how I will change the world. Someday the plan will emerge and it will be.... glorious :)
I remember. It's a moment frozen in time and I still wait for the glorious plan to come to me of how I will change the world. Someday the plan will emerge and it will be.... glorious :)
Tuesday, 11 January 2011
This is Life
Life is frustrating and weird and all over the place. Before we came to Florida I promised myself that I would give my photography a real effort. San Diego failed. Japan, I didn't try (because of the failure of SD) yet I did it as a side business and did better than ever. In Japan as we were nearing our time to leave I thought that if I had not gotten a job immediately and I had actually given my photography business a real shot, I could have likely done very well with it. So I decided to force myself to give my business a real shot when we hit Florida.
A great idea and a terrible idea. It's a great idea because I needed that focus. The dedication. I could do it and it can work, and I will make it work. Florida will be amazing! It's a terrible idea because in reality things are easier said than done. In reality it's not easy to start a business from nothing (and by nothing I mean literally nothing because it's a whole different game when you go somewhere where you know no one and are brand new to everything this part of the country has to offer). In reality, we will only be in Florida for one year (and even that is unknown, it could be less!).
Who starts a business that is non-transferable and moves a year later to start all over again? Where will we be next? Spain? Guam? Hawaii? Virginia? California? None of it matters cause either way I will be starting from nothing again. At least our next station will be for at least three years. I look forward to that and at the same time I dread it cause I am not sure I can be in one place for that long. I will adjust because that is what I do, but I have become quite accustomed to moving regularly.
So, my point is, was my promise to myself to give my business everything I've got stupid? Maybe I should have planned that for our next duty station that will actually last more than one year? This is what I think about daily, because really, I don't know how to answer those questions. I see hope for my business here. I do have a few things going. At this point though I see it becoming a good side job in about a month or two, and well, the problem with that is we will be on our way out in six. My business will likely begin to flourish at the time of departure. Wonderful timing.
This is life. I spent yesterday online looking for a job. I applied to a couple, but more than anything I became frustrated with my situation. I just want a simple job. Something that pays halfway decent that is Mon-Fri and no evenings. I don't care if I am a receptionist or janitor. Problem is any jobs that I actually qualify for are below $10 an hour, and if I am going to work for less than $10 an hour I may as well put everything I got into my photography because I would likely make the same. So what is my plan? I am back on the photography plan. The thing that I have to remember is that no matter what I do with my time here in Florida it is going to be short lived. So I may as well enjoy it! Last night I was irritated because I want work. As we got into bed I apologized to Brian for being in a grumpy mood and he said, "That's ok. I know your frustrated, but really, I don't understand why. If I had nothing to do and could just lay in bed all day if I wanted that would be great!" That's one difference between the two of us that we've always known. I tend to be a bit of a workaholic so if I don't have enough work, I could go crazy! And that I am ;) Brian's comment made me realize that most people would likely be happy to be in my situation. I have a fresh start and all the time in the world to do what I deem important.
So here's to my photography business. Whether it takes off in the short time I have or not, that is what I will do here (unless I here back from those jobs I applied for yesterday...though they are unlikely). And my free time? Well, I have a puppy to fill that up. The little thing needs some serious training. Shugo too actually. I think having a puppy around makes him think he can break all our important rules... like last night he actually got on our bed! I don't know what he was thinking, but I was facing the other way and Brian was brushing his teeth. I felt a sneaky weight on the corner of the bed and rolled over to see giant Shugo attempting to literally sneak on the bed. Clearly, I have work to do!
A great idea and a terrible idea. It's a great idea because I needed that focus. The dedication. I could do it and it can work, and I will make it work. Florida will be amazing! It's a terrible idea because in reality things are easier said than done. In reality it's not easy to start a business from nothing (and by nothing I mean literally nothing because it's a whole different game when you go somewhere where you know no one and are brand new to everything this part of the country has to offer). In reality, we will only be in Florida for one year (and even that is unknown, it could be less!).
Who starts a business that is non-transferable and moves a year later to start all over again? Where will we be next? Spain? Guam? Hawaii? Virginia? California? None of it matters cause either way I will be starting from nothing again. At least our next station will be for at least three years. I look forward to that and at the same time I dread it cause I am not sure I can be in one place for that long. I will adjust because that is what I do, but I have become quite accustomed to moving regularly.
So, my point is, was my promise to myself to give my business everything I've got stupid? Maybe I should have planned that for our next duty station that will actually last more than one year? This is what I think about daily, because really, I don't know how to answer those questions. I see hope for my business here. I do have a few things going. At this point though I see it becoming a good side job in about a month or two, and well, the problem with that is we will be on our way out in six. My business will likely begin to flourish at the time of departure. Wonderful timing.
This is life. I spent yesterday online looking for a job. I applied to a couple, but more than anything I became frustrated with my situation. I just want a simple job. Something that pays halfway decent that is Mon-Fri and no evenings. I don't care if I am a receptionist or janitor. Problem is any jobs that I actually qualify for are below $10 an hour, and if I am going to work for less than $10 an hour I may as well put everything I got into my photography because I would likely make the same. So what is my plan? I am back on the photography plan. The thing that I have to remember is that no matter what I do with my time here in Florida it is going to be short lived. So I may as well enjoy it! Last night I was irritated because I want work. As we got into bed I apologized to Brian for being in a grumpy mood and he said, "That's ok. I know your frustrated, but really, I don't understand why. If I had nothing to do and could just lay in bed all day if I wanted that would be great!" That's one difference between the two of us that we've always known. I tend to be a bit of a workaholic so if I don't have enough work, I could go crazy! And that I am ;) Brian's comment made me realize that most people would likely be happy to be in my situation. I have a fresh start and all the time in the world to do what I deem important.
So here's to my photography business. Whether it takes off in the short time I have or not, that is what I will do here (unless I here back from those jobs I applied for yesterday...though they are unlikely). And my free time? Well, I have a puppy to fill that up. The little thing needs some serious training. Shugo too actually. I think having a puppy around makes him think he can break all our important rules... like last night he actually got on our bed! I don't know what he was thinking, but I was facing the other way and Brian was brushing his teeth. I felt a sneaky weight on the corner of the bed and rolled over to see giant Shugo attempting to literally sneak on the bed. Clearly, I have work to do!
Sunday, 9 January 2011
Grand Canyon
This was from my road trip out here. My sister Julie and I stopped at the Grand Canyon. It was my first time and it was truly amazing! I want to go back and spend more time there. We got there in the afternoon on 10/10/10 (what a memorable way to spend that day!) and then left town on the 12th so we really only had one full day there. We made it a good one though and had a lovely hike down to Skeleton Point and then spent the rest of the day walking the rim with Shugo :)
The funniest part was when we got down to the end of the Skeleton Point trail. Julie and I were talking about the Grand Canyon and how amazing it is and wondering to ourselves what the story is on how it was formed because neither of us knew. As we rounded a corner checking the view on the last side before heading back up we found a guide with a group of about 5 people and as we walk up he says... "And that is how the Grand Canyon was made..." What timing!! Made us laugh :)
Thursday, 6 January 2011
While on our two week trip to three Christmas' we first stopped in Utah. Above is Brian with his 4 sisters. Yes, he has four :) It was a really awesome trip to Utah because his sis Tamara was there with her three kids and we don't get to see them very often. AND his three step sisters came out too which was also nice cause we REALLY never get to see them.
We did some family pictures since we were all together and I can't remember a time that that has ever happened (not even at any weddings... at least since I have been around). Below are all the cousins. Surprisingly there was only one screaming child (you get that many together and you just never know what will happen). My favorite thing is the concerned look on Max's face (the blonde one).
Then my top two favorite family pictures. First, Amie's because there family just looks so sweet up on that tractor, I love old rustic things, and the mountains in the background are quite beautiful. And second place is Tamara's. Because really, anyone with children is laughing with her and at her and also feeling for her all at once :) I don't have kids, but I have photographed enough to know that all mothers dread that this is what their photo shoot will turn out to be. Tamara, thank you for allowing all mothers out there to feel better about themselves knowing that they are not alone in the toddler fight!
Monday, 3 January 2011
Welcome to 2011!
Well here we are one full decade into the 21st century. It is currently 3 days into the new year and I am feeling a little behind only because I didn't exactly get in my "reflection" time before 2011 hit. We made a blast out of our three Christmas' though and were welcomed back to Florida with the heaviest rain storm I have yet to see (and I swear it was because I kept telling everyone that it had not rained nearly as much as I was expecting it to here). So what are my goals for 2011? I don't know. I have goals, but I really need to sit down and take note of things specifically because I like to be able to look back and see what I did or didn't accomplish. Below you will see my lovely niece, Serenity. She is sure excited for 2011!

Our trip was filled with family and food. We had a wonderful time despite a few disappointments.
1. I learned that I have for sure become lactose intolerant. For those of you who know how I feel about ice cream and quesadillas you will know how devastating this news was. Yet, I look forward to no longer spending half of my life nauseous :)
2. On Christmas day I found (not one) but several white hairs in Brian's beard (they really stood out against the snow). How will he ever stay 28 in my mind with those growing! Good news is he has to shave for work, so I will not be reminded daily. Bad news is, I REALLY love(d) his beard.
The wonderful things of the trip were:
• seeing family I hardly ever get to see (a lot of Brian's family :)
• snowmen and snowball fights
• snowboarding and snowy things in general
• games and good food (Tara, Brian's stepmom, is seriously the best cook ever)
• silly children
• sister outings
• marshmallow launchers (seriously, coolest toy EVER)
So it is good to be back. I think Shugo thought we for sure left him. Chancho doesn't care about much of anything as long as he is chewing on Shugo's neck meat (poor Shugo). So lets get this Florida party rolling! What does 2011 hold...?? Sadly I think there will be a shortage of beards :(
Our trip was filled with family and food. We had a wonderful time despite a few disappointments.
1. I learned that I have for sure become lactose intolerant. For those of you who know how I feel about ice cream and quesadillas you will know how devastating this news was. Yet, I look forward to no longer spending half of my life nauseous :)
2. On Christmas day I found (not one) but several white hairs in Brian's beard (they really stood out against the snow). How will he ever stay 28 in my mind with those growing! Good news is he has to shave for work, so I will not be reminded daily. Bad news is, I REALLY love(d) his beard.
The wonderful things of the trip were:
• seeing family I hardly ever get to see (a lot of Brian's family :)
• snowmen and snowball fights
• snowboarding and snowy things in general
• games and good food (Tara, Brian's stepmom, is seriously the best cook ever)
• silly children
• sister outings
• marshmallow launchers (seriously, coolest toy EVER)
So it is good to be back. I think Shugo thought we for sure left him. Chancho doesn't care about much of anything as long as he is chewing on Shugo's neck meat (poor Shugo). So lets get this Florida party rolling! What does 2011 hold...?? Sadly I think there will be a shortage of beards :(
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