Freedom is an odd thing. I don't think that most Americans really understand it, myself included. When you are born and raised in America it is difficult to understand and imagine what other countries are like that do not share such freedoms. It's always nice to hear someone thank Brian for his service even though he has never served in a war zone. All military are a part of the process and it's a different life that is a choice.
Our freedom is a sobering thought. Knowing and thinking about what our military go through to keep us safe is serious stuff. Thinking about our government and what they do to control our country? That part is generally infuriating. I know it seems as though all generations think that things are getting worse and there is more corruption etc. I personally don't know if it's getting worse. I am horrible at following politics and until something effects me personally I often don't pay much attention to it. Well, it's personal now and I think with the serious debt that we are in our government is becoming even more crooked. We have recently had some issues with our pay that have thankfully been cleared up (I think), but it makes me wonder how many others there are in the same situation that possibly did not take the time to look into it, and had money wrongly taken from them. Is our government trying to steal from their own military to get out of debt? Has the government become so crooked that they would actually steal from those that gave their lives so others could have freedom?
I really have a love-hate relationship with our military, and essentially our government I suppose since they go hand in hand. It could have been an honest mistake, but deep down I feel it wasn't. It makes me want to write a letter to Obama. But then I figure he wouldn't receive it, or no one would care, it'd get lost in the shuffle. Can one small person in the military with a very weird situation be heard? I just hope that it was truly an accident because it would really be horrible for the government to be that corrupt. I'd like to think that the sound of freedom is what we think it is.