I am off to find my balance. Brian is my balance. He helps me to stop, take a deep breath, and relax. I have learned to do it on my own, but he can do it for more than moment that I usually do. I am excited to meet up with him again, and excited to catch up on each others' lives. He has been thoroughly enjoying his time in Hawaii. He works at night and bodyboards during the day. It's a replica of his time in Puerto Rico and I look at his FB page and wonder who the heck he is! Since we have known each other we never really lived in a place with good waves so he wasn't THAT into it. Aside from San Diego, but he was working constantly while we were there. So... I'm off to get to know (all over again) this man I am married to and hopefully I recognize him despite his tan and extra blonde hair :)
I love the shot below. Usually I am the one with the silly face and Brian is the serious one that is concentrating the second the shot is taken... a perfect opposite to our usual :)