Tuesday 29 March 2011

Portraiture in a Wedding Dress - Niceville, Fl

Monday was my first wedding-ish shoot in a while. I say wedding-ish because there was no actual wedding :) Jessica has been married for about 10 months or so, but has yet to have her ceremony. To some of you this may be odd, but for us military folk... totally NOT odd. They will be having their actual ceremony wedding bash in May, and though they have a photographer she really wanted to get some shots of just her in her dress. Her husband is out for the week so what better timing than now? Aside from the threats of thunderstorm (stupid weather.com!) we had a LOVELY session, and the weather ended up being perfect. So glad we decided to take our chances :) Jessica is absolutely gorgeous and we had a wonderful time near Boggy Bayou in Niceville... or perhaps it's technically Valparaiso. Seriously, I think she will be stunning on her wedding day! And I have to point out that nothing in photoshop touched her face. She is naturally just that beautiful.


We were on the side of the road and she suggested we get in the middle of the road. Awesome. I love LOVE clients who want to do things like this :) She even wanted to sit on a tree branch and totally would have had we been able to find the right one... maybe another day.


Jessica and her man have the cutest story. She has known him since she was seven years old. Always had a crush on him. However, he is five years older than her so he didn't notice her quite the way she noticed him at first. Sometime around twelve though she got up the courage to throw it out there. Their families were friends and he had left his bag at her grandma's house (or it may have been a cousin, not sure which), and she slipped a picture of her with her phone number in the bag for him to find later. He found it, called her the next day,and the rest is history. How cute is that!?!



I was LOVING the dock and her shoes! So many awesome shots there. And I have to give Brian credit for finding this spot :) We were driving around looking for new locations to shoot at and he randomly found this little loop with all these great photo places. It's a real keeper!




1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness. I absolutely LOVE THEM! Thank you so much. I had so much fun taking them. You made me feel so comfortable and beautiful. I can't wait to see the rest of the pictures that we took :)

    Thank you,

    Jessica Archer
