Wednesday 16 March 2011

Pray For Japan

Japan has really been on my mind a lot lately, and I am sure many of yours as well. I know there have been a few huge earthquakes in other countries in the last couple of years, and not to sound heartless, but I didn't seem to care as much when the other ones occurred. It's hard for me to attach myself emotionally to something when I am so far away in my safe comfortable America. It's not that I didn't care about the other countries who have been hit by earthquakes, it's devastating but since I have no connection to them in any way I was not as interested in following the details as much as I am with Japan. I lived in Japan for almost two years and it was an amazing experience. I grew to love the country and it's people. I was not excited about moving to Japan initially. I was excited to go somewhere new and be in another country, but Japan was not exactly the top of my list on countries to visit. Yet I fell in love with the country and it became my home for two years.

It is amazing watching the footage and reading about the effects of the earthquake. I still have many friends there with the military and a few Japanese friends as well. Everyone is safe. The area that I lived in felt the earthquake, but thankfully they were not affected in the way that the Sendai area has been. I am in awe of natural disasters. Makes me remember that we are so small. We tend to think we can do and accomplish anything, but we are not as powerful as we tend to think we are. The people of Japan are not more special than the people in Haiti or Chili or any other country that has been hit by a big earthquake lately, but I have a personal connection with Japan and they have been in my prayers and on my mind a lot lately. Please keep praying for Japan as there are so many without homes and they are still trying to control problems that have arose due to the earthquake.


Both of these pictures were taken by Brian as he was heading out to sea. I know I put my name on them, but I could not find this shot ANYWHERE! I know it's on our hard drive, but Brian keeps his stuff in his own folders and I could not find it for the life of me. I just happened to have created a copy for something a while back and put my name on it so it couldn't be snagged. They are probably my all time favorite shots taken during our time in Japan. Enjoy!


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