Sunday, 10 January 2010

A Movie Worth Watching

Alrighty, so I realize I didn't mention it, but I plan to be a little more personal with my posts on this blog. I was having a hard time keeping up with two blogs so I am consolidating my life (I got that skill from my mom... gotta love consolidating :). I do want to post more pictures, but that likely will not happen until my dear sweet husband leaves town again. I try to stay off the computer as much as possible while he is around which means I am not actually editing all the pics we take when we are out exploring. More pics are coming though I promise!

On to the movie.... Food Inc people. Watch it. I watched it a couple weeks ago and meant to post about it, but forgot. It is good and very informative. Just a quick synopsis... it is about the food industry (duh) and the corruption within it and what is really behind what we are eating everyday.

I realize most people will hear about this and say, I am perfectly happy eating the crap that I eat and I would rather not watch the movie so I can continue on peacefully eating garbage...

That is not the point of the movie. The movie is not about telling you that you need to eat more greens and less beef. Not at all. The movie is actually telling you to how the food you are eating is made and how it is not healthy because of the way it is made NOT the way you cook it (though the movie does cover a bit of how unhealthy we all are, it's main focus is the corruption in the making process). Even the vegetables are not being made in a healthy way. The point of the movie is to raise awareness and encourage people to buy organic and buy from local farmers. You can still buy all the beef, pork, and chicken you want and even continue to cook it in the greasiest, unhealthy, and tasty way possible; but at least buy from local growers so that you are not A) Supporting the corrupt companies at large, and B) Putting more toxins into your body.

You can watch it online for free here. If you don't want to watch it, that's cool, but at least go organic and support the local farmers in your area! But really, you should watch it!

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