Saturday 28 August 2010

Culture Shock

Yes, there is culture shock. Funny thing is I am not out and about that much. I am mostly home visiting with everyone. It just so happens that I am having culture shock with my family. I am the youngest of seven children. That's a lot of family and it's even more now that most of us are married and others have children. Not everyone lives in California, but there is generally a decent sized group when we have family gatherings and even without a family gathering there always seems to be a lot of people about.

I love my family. I really do. I have deeply missed being away for two straight years and I know that I will never do that again. It would be expensive and difficult to visit, but my family is worth it and if we are stationed overseas again I WILL visit.

That said, a lot of people can get crazy and it has. There seems to be some event or drama every day and it is just a lot to take in when I am used to it only being me and Shugo 80% of the time and the other 20% is only ONE other person (Brian). Today's event was birthdays. My brother Norman turned 33 on August 18, Dad turned 57 on Aug 25, Klaus (in photo above) turned 3 today, I turn 24 on the 3rd, oh and Nan turned seventy something on Aug 7. It's a busy birthday month. I am EXTREMELY grateful for our wonderful neighbors, who have always been very close family friends, who have allowed me to stay in their spare room for the time that I am here :) Yay for a quiet home and space to myself. YAY! I want to visit my family for a while and enjoy it and because I have this little space to myself I CAN enjoy it :)

Friday 27 August 2010

Not Enough Time

Well it's Friday. I have almost been back in America for one week and it feels like a month. Brian and I had a day an a half with his parents in Reno and then he had a day an a half with my family in Auburn. His mom and sister also came to Auburn to visit while we were there. It was really awesome to see everyone, but it was definitely not enough time. I will be in town for a while so I will have plenty of time to visit with my family, but Brian didn't get much. I know he is used to it an all, but I always wish we were able to spend more time with each other's families.

Below is a picture of Brian with our niece (his sister's daughter), Amelia. She is super cute and of course loved Brian to death, as did my sister's daughter Tiffany who literally would not leave his side. We all had a good time at the river on Tuesday and I can't wait to go back with all the nieces and nephews again :)

Thursday 26 August 2010

Be Myself

Yesterday was a long day. These last few days have felt long. Good, but long. Japan feels like it was ages ago and though I have not even been in America for a full week (and I am still hitting the windshield wipers instead of my blinkers) I feel like I am picking up right where I left off. I dropped Brian off at the airport first thing yesterday and then I spent the rest of the day at the WPPI Road Trip in Sacramento. A lot of speakers. A lot of good information. A lot of new plans. Only problem is there are so many ideas I am afraid I might do nothing due to the paradox of choice. It was really good though. Inspiring. Overwhelming. I only have one year you know. To start a business before we move. Three years in the next place and the next. My life is not like everyone else. Due to that fact, here are the key points that I learned:

- I need to be myself
- Do what works for me in MY life
- Create MY business (MY brand, MY style)
- I am never too old to learn and I should always ask questions
- Just because I went to Brooks does not mean that I should know it all and I should not be embarrassed for not knowing it all cause no one does
- Also being a Brooks grad does not mean that I should have been able to immediately have a successful business and I should not let the length of this process get me down just cause I think I should be more capable
- Last thing was that there are MANY businesses out there. Many printer companies, album designers, "We do it all" companies.... so many. So many choices. So many successful photographers use different ones. There will always be something bad and good about each. I need to pick one and stick to it. I cannot switch every time I see a new great company. It doesn't matter what Joe Buissink, Jasmine Star, or Becker use. I need to find what works for my business and my life and run with it.

So, though I came out with many new ideas it is all kinda scrambled in my brain and due to the scramble the above is what I came up with to calm it and ease my hyper activeness. Below is a reminder to chillax. I am very happy to be back and be able to spend time with the family. Monday a bunch of us went to the river for a few hours and it was really awesome. I am overwhelmed with ideas and plans and the enormity of our transition right now, but I don't want it to control me. I want to take time to enjoy the little things and enjoy my family. I don't want my life to breeze by me. I want it to go nice and slow so I miss NOTHING.

Monday 23 August 2010

Oh the traveling madness! Oh the incredible blog slacking! I definitely need to post images from the trip to New Zealand and Australia, but first I need to go through them. Upon arrival home in Japan we were rather busy packing up and preparing for our move so I haven't even had the chance to look through the images. We arrived in Reno to visit with Brian's parents on Saturday and are leaving today (Monday) to head over the mountain and visit with my family. Someday, and hopefully soon, I plan to go through all my images and post my favorite's from the trip. For now these happy snaps that I stole from Kristan's FB will have to do :)

Above is from our wondrous helicopter ride :) Oh yes, South Island of New Zealand, over the glaciers and landing to play in the snow. It was a glorious time! Below, you can clearly see us all quite happy to be in Sydney, Australia. Brian was unable to take enough time off to visit both countries so Kristan was my travel buddy for NZ and Brian met up with us in Australia.

Yes, we are officially back in America. I officially have jet lag (been up since 3:30am) and I am officially excited to be back. Our lives at the moment are quite official :) There are many plans going through my brain right now for my photography business and getting things started up again here in the states. I have great plans, and many are still in the works. I do plan to be posting more though and will keep everyone updated with said plans. I still have lots of traveling ahead of me before I settle in Florida. Plans are constantly changing and at this point I am thinking I may get there in mid-October rather than late September.

So, I will be making a greater effort in posting pictures from my ever changing life and updating as plans change and things happen. Maybe I can get some regular blog readers again :)

This pic... this is back in Japan. Enjoying one last picture of Brian's glorious scruffage before he shaved it... so sad it is gone :(