Thursday 18 November 2010

Bugs and Creatures

I kill spiders, and other small creatures. This poor lizzy was an accident; one that may not have even been me. Generally though, when I kill spiders I leave their dead carcasses lying there as a warning to all others who might think about entering my domain. The carcasses of spiders and flying insects often decorate our walls. I am not much of a decorator, but this I am good at. And it regularly bothers Brian. I do feel bad about this lizzy, but it is funny at the same time. I mean, really, what are the odds? I have yet to bury the body and it has already been over two weeks. The nice thing is these things are so tiny their decaying remains don't smell! That, and it's on the outside of the door. Who really has the time to clean up after such accidents anyway?


  1. You're evil but after meeting your family, not surprising ;)

  2. I usually have time to clean such accidents up... but I usually don't have time to get my camera out and photograph them... sicko!
