Friday 11 November 2011

Eleven Eleven Eleven and Thirty Five

CELEBRATE! Eleven Eleven Eleven will not happen for another 100 years! You should feel special to live in this century and be able to enjoy such a rare occasion. Really. What is extra special about 11.11.11 though is that it is Brain's birthday! That's where the 35 comes in... HOLY COW! I know, 35... (sigh). I say it every year and I will say it again... he will always be 28 in my mind (at least until I am 28!).I was thinking about making a list of 11 awesome things to do on this grand day, and then I realized I coulcn't think of 11 awesome things that Brian would want to do on his birthday, because there aren't eleven things. There is only one. Go to the beach! Well, and of course, HAVE NO PLAN! Plans don't seem to work for us, and they only seem to frustrate me so I decided not to have one and so far it has been grand! It is also Veteran's Day so be sure to hug your soldier or sailor! I know I sure will :)


Yes, this guy is 35... Doesn't look half bad for 35 if I must say so myself! :) Yes, this shot was taken mere days ago... so I guess THAT guy below is 34... Don't worry I will post the shots of the 35 year old soon :)


Doesn't he look SO much like his dad in this shot?! CRAZY, crazy.


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