Wednesday 24 February 2010


So I am a little disappointed right now. I was planning to be leaving for the states next week, but plans have changed and I am no longer going. I am too rational and logical to go just cause I feel like it, and since the reason for me going has been canceled, I cannot rationalize going. I would love to be in America again. I miss my family. I miss the country. I miss my horse. So many reasons that I should go, and yet I know it will logically be better if I stayed. I don't actually have time off work, and if my sisters come visit (which I think they will and really hope they do) I should really save my time off so I can take it when they come. Not to mention if Brian goes to a cool port I would really like to take the time to visit :)

So after all the preparations and madness of the last two weeks, I will after all not be leaving town Tuesday. That's ok cause Shugo will be happier with me home, and I will get to see Brian when he comes in for a week or two. Since every post is better with a picture... Shugo is up there enjoying a day at the beach on the small island of Jogashima.


  1. ugg. I'm so sorry :(

    I just told Randy that I think we should go to Japan. Not to live or anything though...
