Monday 14 February 2011

Furry Fanatics - Dog Photography

Well Saturday was a success. We had one pup adopted and a few people who went out to the shelter to look at the other animals available and a couple were adopted out there as well :) Any adoption makes it a successful day. I had a lovely time photographing a few beloved pups for those who donated to Heart Worm treatment. Below is this a sweet little dog who followed his mom everywhere. No leash or bribing required.


Next up is this beautiful Golden Retriever. He was VERY excited to see all the animals we brought and he really just wanted to play with them. We just had to set it up so I was shooting from the direction of the puppies cause he wouldn't look any other direction :) I know they are not super different, but I cannot decide which shot I like better. Votes anyone?



And last pup that was photographed was the lovely chihuahua. Such tiny creatures they are. I just don't even know how you are supposed to pet these dogs. I feel like one pat and I could knock him over! For that reason I am pretty sure I only pet him a little :) So, it was a good day. Thank you to all who came out to support Alaqua!



  1. cute doggies:) JOy!!! I juuuuuuuust read the comment you guys left me ages ago about someone you know in the industry in franklin? crazy!! I don't really work in the Christian Music industry, but its always good to know and talk to people who know people:) I'm currently trying to get a publishing deal so i can just write music for-e-ver. well i won't take up all this comment space for me:) but! I have some songs on iTunes now! go gettum! much love to y'all!

  2. SOOOO CUTE! I am jealous, you get to play with all of those puppies. The puppy bowl is my favorite. Your images are spectacular as always, love you :)

  3. ha! Yes, how DO you pet a chihuahua? I like the first of the golden retriever. He looks more mellow and pet-able, which is a new word I am making up as of now.

    Carolyn forwarded that CD of the pics you took of the fam.!! LOVED them! You and Brian are seriously so talented! It's so nice to have some updated pictures of everyone.
