Wednesday 9 February 2011


My phone started ringing and I instantly got a little nervous. That better not be Brian calling. It's too early to be getting good news. Sure enough there was his name on my phone as I nervously answered. Two and a half years ago I got a call in the middle of the day and it was not exactly good news (at the time). Brian failed another test on Monday and I had been praying all morning on Tuesday that his re-take would go well. We both believe that God has brought us through to the point that we are now. There have been too many crazy things going against us (but yet we are making it through) and it is seriously by the grace of God. Will Brian make it through EOD school? I think so. But then again I thought the same about BUD/S. I have clearly learned to not get too set on any one idea over the years. All I know is that Brian is not exactly the world's best test taker. Anyone who went to school with him would know that (and oddly enough I am one of those people). I knew this school would be hard, and I knew that there would be a lot of prayer and faith required. What I didn't think would happen (and am still not too sure will) is that Brian would actually have the possibility of making it through without getting rolled. If he does I would just like to state now (before it happens) that it would truly be an act of God. For those of you laughing, please, do not mistake this for me making fun of Brian's brain. It's just very rare for people to make it through this school without getting rolled at some point, and in Brian's case (because he does not always test well) it would be an act of God.


So, back to the main story. The phone rings. "Don't freak out. I just got off work early," he immediately reassured me. So did you PASS?! Yes. Thank the LORD. I was a little extra concerned, not because I didn't think he could do it, but because when he failed he did so with a very low grade. I don't even remember what it was but I think it was in the 20s. And what did he get on his passing re-take? 100%. Weird-O. It's completely wonderful, but I swear it is quite the roller coaster of emotions. And really, for those of you who know me, a roller coaster of emotions is an interesting ride for me.

Brian's favorite thing to say as he is going through all the testing is What do they call people who get a D in medical school? DOCTORS. Makes me a bit nervous, especially since he is working with explosives. But that just brings us back to the whole having faith right? Right.

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