Monday 27 September 2010

No Children Please

There has been a children overload. My goal was merely to spend some much needed time with all the nieces and nephews that I haven't seen in two years and in the process give their parents a little break along with reinforcing my birth control. All of that worked, but I also reached an overload of children. They are so cute and yet they can drive you so crazy. Two sisters, each with four children, a cousin with two kids and a close friend with two more. That many kids in close proximity can create serious madness for one who so loves her single life (and by single I mean NO CHILDREN, not single/not married... me and Brian are single together :) and after this weekend I think we'd like to keep it that way for quite some time.


Tricky little rascals that draw you in with their cuteness and then destroy you slowly and painfully over several days.



  1. hahaha! Thats funny. I encourage you to enjoy your kid free life as long as you possibly can! Just keep in mind that if it's hard to keep up with them now, when your young and only gets harder, the older you get! Energy goes down the drain along with the mental capacity to deal with it all. haha.

  2. Yes yes, wait wait wait! While I love my kid, blah blah blidity blah...WAIT! ;)
