Thursday 6 January 2011



While on our two week trip to three Christmas' we first stopped in Utah. Above is Brian with his 4 sisters. Yes, he has four :) It was a really awesome trip to Utah because his sis Tamara was there with her three kids and we don't get to see them very often. AND his three step sisters came out too which was also nice cause we REALLY never get to see them.

We did some family pictures since we were all together and I can't remember a time that that has ever happened (not even at any weddings... at least since I have been around). Below are all the cousins. Surprisingly there was only one screaming child (you get that many together and you just never know what will happen). My favorite thing is the concerned look on Max's face (the blonde one).


Then my top two favorite family pictures. First, Amie's because there family just looks so sweet up on that tractor, I love old rustic things, and the mountains in the background are quite beautiful. And second place is Tamara's. Because really, anyone with children is laughing with her and at her and also feeling for her all at once :) I don't have kids, but I have photographed enough to know that all mothers dread that this is what their photo shoot will turn out to be. Tamara, thank you for allowing all mothers out there to feel better about themselves knowing that they are not alone in the toddler fight!



1 comment:

  1. ooohh! yay! yay! Thank you so much for posting this! It was just what I needed to tide me over til Carolyn passes along the cd to all of us. And by the way, you totally outdid yourself. These are amazing! You are officially my favorite photographer. Great job!!
