Sunday, 14 March 2010

The Shaft's

Here is Lauren and Dave with their little biscuit in the oven :) Lauren was the first person I really met when I got here in Japan and she was SO helpful. I didn't have a car for a while and she helped me get things to my house when I needed to move in (which would have been complete torture and pretty much impossible to do by train). When she first got pregnant I remember her saying she did NOT want any pics of her belly. Of course now that she is nearing her due date, and realized that she has just about the nicest pregnant belly ever, maybe she should get some pics. There are only a couple shots below that really show her belly, but let me just say that those are completely un-retouched shots. I adjusted the color and added a little contrast, but there was no actual retouching with removal of spots or stretch marks, cause she is just too cool to have any :)

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